Job, healthiness management and Family. That fits together!
Congratulations to us! We have just been honoured as TOP Employer mediumsized companies 2023 by Focus Business. We won the third prize as one of the most family-friendly companies in the region (Krefeld Business)! We won a lot of additional awards such as TOP JOB and others. Our company healthiness management is offerend not only to employees but also for family and friends. Furtheron, we are paying premiums for optimizing suggestions and special family events such as a wedding, birth of a child and more. Free time is belonging to family and friends, that is part of our philosophy. Healthy and motivated staff is the better one! Our team is welcoming it. We are member of the companies network Erfolgsfaktor Familie. With more than 6.500 members, this is the biggest German plattform for combination of family and profession. We want, that our staff are feeling fine with us! Cause happy people are better colleagues!
We want our employees to feel good. Therefore, we support them in many areas such as:
- Career management and education
- Unique shift model (optional 35 or 38 hours weekly)
- Flexible working hours
- Part-time offers
- Mobile work possible (commercial area)
- Support in case of illness

New perspectives thanks to education.
We always have new ideas. That's why we have won the prize TOP 100. The award has been given to us not only because of the amazing numbers of good ideas but also because of our quick steps in order to realize it. We are getting new input also by the numerous courses and seminars we can do here at Alberdingk Boley.
There is a foreign language inhouse seminar with native speakers continously running, as well as there is a wide range of further workshops with internal and external coaches. Ten different foreign languages are spoken fluently at Alberdingk Boley. It supports us when communicating with our customers all over the world.